Vanity, duchess, commode, poudreuse, boudoir, lowboy–the dressing table has many nicknames. And throughout history, this piece of furniture has had about as many phases as names.
Dressing tables are a visual record of humanity’s ever-changing ideas of style, beauty, and societal norms. They do more than showcase historical trends in design and artistry. They provide insight into other aspects of the past, including class, beauty standards, and womanhood.
Antique Furniture and Decor
Console Tables
Antique Furniture and Decor
Antique Furniture and Decor
Antique Furniture and Decor
Antique Furniture and Decor
Biedermeier Dressing Table, Walnut Veneer, South Germany circa 1830
Antique Furniture and Decor
Antique Furniture and Decor
Antique Furniture and Decor
Contemporary Furniture
Dressing tables
Dressing tables