Tag Archives: Game Tables

Antique Card Tables and the History of Card Games

Antique Card Tables- Styylish

The Art of Card Playing: Discovering the History of Card Games and Antique Card Tables Card Games have always been an integral part of human leisure, community, and fun throughout history. The origin of card games dates back centuries, with traces back to ancient China, where they were believed to have been invented during the […]

Antique Chess Table: Rich with History, Ready for Play

19th Century Biedermeier Marquetry Chess Table- top view with chess figurines- Styylish

Antique chess tables have an undeniable charm. Chess is just one of the many games that inspired antique game tables. These pieces are frequently finely crafted and feature remarkable details. You might have had a dedicated table for checkers and backgammon, too. But chess antiques have stood apart from other game tables for much of […]