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Category Archives: Furniture

Timeless Designs: Art Deco vs Mid-Century Modern

Art Deco vs Mid Century Modern- Styylish

It is incredibly valuable to be able to distinguish styles from one another while admiring furniture, artwork, or architecture. Whether this affects your purchases or just personal taste, there is something you can learn about yourself just by browsing! That’s why we’re focusing on Art Deco vs Mid-Century Modern. Two fundamental 20th-century styles, that are essential […]

Our Beloved Coffee Tables: Origins and Innovation 

Coffee tables- Styylish

The good old coffee table. Who doesn’t love coffee tables? The centerpieces of every respectable home for centuries, these low-rising objects are a site of togetherness – and history. In today’s blog, we will trace the rise of the coffee table at the hand of our Styylish catalog. Maybe you’ll find exactly the piece you’ve […]

Space Age Furniture: Exploration Meets Innovation

Space Age Furniture- Styylish

The so-called “Space Age” is a period of the 20th century marked by a cultural interest in scientific innovation. Coming out of the Second World War, the Atomic age, marked by rising tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, established scientific supremacy as a cultural goal. The launch of Sputnik, human space travel, […]

Contrasting Biedermeier and Empire Style Furniture

Empire Style Furniture- Styylish

While researching furniture options for your home, you may encounter a lot of terms and characterizations. Especially when browsing a site like Styylish, the distinctions between 18th and 19th-century furniture styles can get blurry. In this blog, we want to explore the difference between two of our most popular styles: Empire Style Furniture, and Biedermeier. […]

Young Royal Taste: Exploring English Regency Furniture

English Regency Furniture- Styylish

The Power of the Prince Regent In English Regency Furniture What is English Regency furniture? It’s a term you’ve doubtlessly encountered before, perhaps even while scrolling through our catalog. In this post, we will dive into the history and typical features of the English Regency style. Along the way, you’ll learn about ways you can […]

Finding the World’s Best Biedermeier Furniture Museum

Finding the World's Best Biedermeier Furniture Museum- Geymüllerschlössel- Styylish

For connoisseurs of 19th-century furniture, the Biedermeier period is one of the most exciting times for furniture design. And while there may not be one iconic Biedermeier Furniture Museum to delve into the unique history of the style, it is well represented in some of the most celebrated museums around the world. In this blog, […]

Designing Summer House Interiors with Unique Furniture

Summer House Interiors- Inspiration- Styylish

In these golden days of heat and light, it’s easy to imagine your dream summer house interiors. Sleek modern objects and honey-colored antiques can create the feel of an ocean or lake-front cottage in almost any room. In today’s blog, we want to chase those dreams right through the pages of our catalog. Imagining a […]

Exploring Our Biedermeier Tables: A Buying Guide

Biedermeier Tables- Styylish

Biedermeier Tables may just be the perfect antique for a modern home. Unfailingly versatile, they have a uniquely wood-driven aesthetic that makes them perfect for combination with both contemporary pieces and other antiques. Fans of Styylish will be familiar with the Biedermeier style by now. It is one of our most sought-after design periods – […]

Barrel Chair History: The Origins of a Living Room Favorite

Barrel Chair History- Styylish

What could there possibly be to say about barrel chair history, you ask. Though perhaps a versatile and comfortable seating shape, it cannot possibly carry significant history. Prepare to be surprised! In our last blog, we walked you through all the different kinds of barrel chairs you can find in the Styylish catalog. From Empire-style […]

The Perfect Accent: Exploring the Barrel Chair and Its Versatility

Barrel chair- Styylish

When it comes to accent chairs, Styylish is your one-stop destination. From original antique finds to cutting-edge modern designs, our catalog is full of the just-right addition to that empty corner of your living room. There may be no better style of accent chair than a barrel chair. Also known as a tub chair, this […]