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Search Results for: Louis XVI console table

The Origin and Evolution of Antique Desks

Antique desks-styylish

The Origin and Evolution of Antique Desks As the trend of using antique furniture continues to swamp modern houses, more and more people are looking for antique desks online. But did you know that desks were a relatively obscure furniture item in the 17th century? In fact, desks didn’t populate workplace and household settings up […]

A Guide to Antique Furniture Leg Styles

Furniture leg styles- styylish

Furniture Leg Styles 101 Furniture leg styles do more than complete the look of a piece. They are also accommodating for identifying different styles of antique furniture styles, such as the manufacture date, especially when studied in combination with foot styles. Learning about various designs helps you properly recognize the piece’s period and create a […]

Restoration Furniture Style and Design

Restoration Furniture in France From 1814-1830, French Restoration furniture rose in popularity, replacing the previous Empire style. During this period of French history, also known as the Bourbon Restoration period, Neoclassic-inspired designs with elements of budding romanticism persisted. This 15-year span encompassed the reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X, the fall of Napoleon, and […]

Empire Furniture Style & Design History

Empire Furniture History Napoleon’s Rule and Influence Empire furniture arose during the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte over the First French Empire, which lasted from 1804 to 1814. A strong military leader and ruler, Napoleon was intensely aware of the value of the arts as tools for propaganda.  He promoted the developing Empire style as he […]

French Furniture History: The Directoire Period

French Furniture - Directoire Style Table

French Furniture History: The Directoire Style   From 1789 to 1804, French furniture took a sharp turn, condemning anything associated with the Ancien RĂ©gime. Previously predominant themes revolving around royal extravagance, noble power, and privilege were now perceived negatively. Repressed by the revolutionaries, furniture guilds were no longer able to ensure the same degree of […]

André-Charles Boulle | Legacy, History, And Works

Boulle - A Portrait Of Boulle

AndrĂ©-Charles Boulle A.C. Boulle was born November 11, 1642, and died February 28th, 1732, in Paris, France. Regarded as one of France’s most prestigious cabinetmakers, his artistry took Europe by storm during the 18th and 19th centuries. As the dominating authority in marquetry (also known as inlay), it is no wonder how he earned the […]

French Directoire Furniture: Commode, France 1780-1800

styylish/French directoire furniture

French Directoire furniture preserves the elegant and stately characteristics of earlier periods. But, like Gustavian design, the Directoire style is much more restrained. This moderation is evident in the elongated, uncomplicated shapes and clear lines of most pieces. The elegant commode offered here has the typical, straight-lined design, a reminiscent of the Louis XVI period, […]